Science development infinitely


Peer-reviewed scientific journal Science Prospects

It was founded in 2009. Peer-reviewed scientific journal «Perspectives of Science» is included by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia to the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should be published basic scientific results of the thesis for a candidate degree and doctorate.

Address: 70 Moskovskaya St, apt. 5, Tambov 392000, Russia

Tel: 8(4752)71-14-18


  • scientific journal is published 12 times a year (monthly);
  • it is available in standard summary form, as well as thematic issues on different issues;
  • articles and annotations are published in one of 2 languages: Russian or English. Articles may be issued with bilingual inserts on the main fragments in the article;
  • articles, reviews, short communications, discussion papers, letters to the editor, as well as serial articles and, if necessary - some advanced preprints papers and dissertations with the publication in the journal of abstracts are accepted for publication in the scientific journal Perspectives of Science;
  • volume of articles is not strictly limited: it should correspond to their content;
  • articles are professionally reviewed and submitted to the Members of the editorial board;
  • articles, which have priority, published in a matter of urgency;
  • the right to publish translations or derivative articles in other publications is retained by the author;
  • authors can order the required number of journals or reprints of his article for an additional fee;
  • You can book a combined volume of the journal and the individual parts on the headings.
  • Main headings:


  • Architecture and Construction;
  • Biological sciences;
  • Biotechnology and Medicine;
  • Information Technology and Electronics;
  • Problems of legal development of the society;
  • History, philosophy, sociology;
  • Pedagogy and Psychology;
  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Mathematical Methods and Models;
  • Earth sciences;
  • Vocational Education;
  • Management, Computer Science and Informatics;
  • Quality control;
  • Social and political problems of society;
  • Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications;
  • Ecology and Nature;
  • Economics;
  • Energy-saving technologies;
  • other  headings.
  • Requirements to articles:


  • Font «Times New Roman», 14, English, Russian;
  • Text typed in hard to read fonts, scanned and inserted into the author of the article as a graphic element (figure), similar to the graphs, images, etc., except tables;
  • Indent: left - 0, right - 0, the first line - 1,25 cm;
  • Spacing: before - 0, then - 0, line - one and a half;
  • Left (in capital letters) - Name Author (authors);
  • Name of organization - a fully qualified, all acronyms are deciphered (specified without abbreviations);
  • In the middle - Full title of the article;
  • The text of the article formatting: width; abstract, keywords, bibliography, reviews, references and footnotes required;
  • Language - English (Russian), other languages - as a graphic element (scanned text in electronic form as an insert - see paragraph 3);
  • paper size is A4, book;
  • Margins: Top - 2 cm, Bottom - 2 cm, Left - 2 cm, Right - 2 cm;
  • All files with your article that you send us should bear the name of the participant in English. For example: ivanova.doc
    Articles should be written using a computer program Word 2003 (or Word 2007) for Windows in DOC format or a compatible version with Word. Articles are sent by e-mail:, necessarily archived as a ZIP or RAR file.



    27-29 октября 2011 года, Египет. III Международная научно-практическая конференция «Роль науки в развитии общества»

    Фонд развития науки и культуры приглашает Вас принять участие в III Международной научно-практи- ческой конференции «Роль науки в развитии общества», которая состоится 27-29 октября 2011 года, на всемирно известном и самом живописном курорте Египта, Хургада.

    Цель конференции:

    Обсуждение и публикация научных достижений ведущих ученых, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов, определение возможностей решения актуальных проблем развития общества, а также установление творческих связей ученых разных стран, повышение эффективности использования научного потенциала вузов, научных организаций и предприятий в решении приоритетных научно-методических задач развития Российской и зарубежной науки.




    October 27-29, 2011, Egypt. III International Scientific Conference «The role of science in the development of society»

    The Development Fund for Science and Cultures invites You to take part in the III International Scientific Conference « The role of science in the development of society», which will be held October 27-29, 2011 at the world famous and most picturesque resort of Egypt, Hurghada.


    Purpose to conferences:

    Discussion and publication of scientific achievements by leading scientists, graduate students, masters and students, identifying opportunities for solving urgent problems of social development, and establishing creative links scientists from different countries, more efficient use of the universities scientific potential, research institutions and enterprises in addressing the priorities of Russian and foreign scientific and methodological problems.

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